The Student Outreach System, powered by Navigate, offers a way for community members to identify students in need of support – whether academic, personal or financial. If you are concerned about a Carthage student’s well-being, the Center for Student Success is here to help. We coordinate a campus-wide response to ensure every student gets the help they need in a timely manner. 

Faculty & Staff

Life preserver on sandy beach somewhere in Mexico. Share your concern with us via the Student Outreach System, powered by Navigate. You can access Navigate directly through OneLogin. Once your submission is received, a small team of Carthage employees best positioned to facilitate outreach to the student will be assembled. To preserve the student’s confidentiality to the best of our ability, you will receive a short notice when the issue is resolved. Please note: You will need to log in with your Carthage username and password to submit an SOS alert.

However, if a student is in immediate danger or a threat to others, it is imperative that you call the Office of Public Safety at 262-551-5911 or dial 911 rather than utilizing the Student Outreach System. Similarly, Title IX disclosures should be reported to a Title IX coordinator, and students experiencing suicidal ideation should be referred to the Health and Counseling Center. Please do not use the Student Outreach System for emergencies.

Parents & Families

Parents and families may choose to consult with staff in the Center for Student Success when there is a concern. You can reach us at 262-551-5800 or email We are happy to share information with you about Carthage policies and procedures, on- and off-campus resources, and programming specific to our office.

Please note: Student records are protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. We will not be able to discuss grades, schedules, majors, and/or other student-specific details with you if your student has not granted a FERPA release for you to access their records.